“Songs For a Bear and Friends” was my first score. It was also an abject lesson in not writing for something you don’t own. Even though this spec score had been accepted by The Dramatic Publishing Company, the Walt Disney Company acquired the rights to the story, and with the passing of the Sonny Bono copyright extension, this score became moot. It happens. Writers be aware. So what do you do with a score you can’t use? Well, you use it for some other project. Change the lyrics. Good idea. Funny thing is, sometimes characters don’t want their songs taken away or changed. I know how ridiculous that sounds but every time I’ve gone to adapt one of these songs, I haven’t been able to and believe me there were times when I would really have appreciated not having to write another tune. I’ve grown kind of relaxed about it and sooner or later, probably after I’m gone, “The House At Pooh Corner” will come into public domain and one of my descendants will perhaps create a musical version with these songs. It’s enough that I get to enjoy listening to them from time to time. Then I thought maybe you might enjoy listening to them. The songs are sung by the Cocheco Children’s Chorus, and by now, all of those kids have finished college and are out making their way in life. Thanks for listening.
Elliott Baker